January 1, 2025
New research line ‘Agile Employees’
Within the professorship Impactful Value Chains, researcher Dr. Sandra Doeze Jager - Van Vliet MBA has been appointed as Associate Lecturer of the research line 'Agile Employees'.
Within the research line, the transition to wellbeing economy from an organizational and entrepreneurial perspective and its impact (valorization and knock-on effects) will be addressed.

March 18, 2024
Circular building = Building together
As part of the Week of the Circular Economy, the CoE BWNO | Avans Hogeschool and the Municipality of 's-Hertogenbosch, organize on March 13 the event Circular Building = Building Together.

July 13, 2023
Lecturer platform Circular Economy can continue for another 3 years
Thanks to funding from SIA, the lecturer platform Circular Economy 3.0 will be able to continue working on a more sustainable and circular society over the next 3 years

July 11, 2023
Serhii Komberiano presenting at ELEC2023
Serhii Komberianov, the president of the Lean Institute Ukraine, is one of the speakers at the European Lean Educators Conference 2023 in October at Avans in 's-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands