Operations Coordinator
Charlotte contributed since the beginning to the creation of the Sustainable Business Expertise Center (ESB), the forerunner of our current Center of Expertise Wellbeing Economy & New Entrepreneurship. She started as senior management assistant and has served as operations coordinator since 2022.
Her expertise lies mainly in coordinating, organizing and planning work in which she empowers other people so that a team of enthusiastic and driven colleagues performs together.
She also has extensive experience in organizing large events and symposia. Because of her knowledge and work experience, she is also very familiar with HR and financial tasks.
Project support to the international Interreg project Smart Light Concepts (SLIC) on sustainable public lighting and project support to the international Erasmus+ project Integrated Reporting and Education for Sustainability (Integres).
Youth, young adults, education and research run like a thread through her career. For more than twenty years, she worked as an executive secretary and later as coordinator of management and resources at various schools in primary vocational education, the predecessor of today’s VMBO. She then moved to IVA, the then Institute for Labor Market Issues, affiliated with Tilburg University and supported the sections Labor Market & Social Security and Education & Culture. A few years later she worked at K2, Brabants Kenniscentrum Jeugd for the Board of Directors and for the Supervisory Board and managed the support service. With the advent of the transition youth care, she transferred to Avans University of Applied Sciences in November 2014 where her position immersed her in supporting practice-based research.
Charlotte on a sustainable future: