Docent-onderzoeker Impactvolle Waardeketens
Joop de Zwart has been a lecturer for 25 years and has been guiding students in their research on Lean applications in the construction industry for just as long.
Joop de Zwart is a business administrator and philosopher and a lecturer-researcher at the professorship Impactful Value Chains
In 1997, Joop graduated as a business administrator from Erasmus University Rotterdam, after which he entered education. 2 years later he went to work for Avans Hogeschool, at the Academy for Sustainable Built Environment. After completing a master’s degree in Philosophy at Tilburg University, he followed a PhD track at Radboud University. This was successfully completed with a dissertation on Corporate Social Responsibility, viewed from the perspective of hermeneutical philosophy. Joop is a lecturer at the Academy for Sustainable Built Environment (mainly courses in Construction Engineering and Spatial Development and the Disruptive Events minor).
Joop is a Business Administrator and philosopher. He focuses on sustainable and circular operations, continuous improvement, business ethics and corporate social responsibility. In terms of philosophy, he specializes in hermeneutics in addition to ethics. He looks for connections between hermeneutics and continuous improvement in organizations.
PhD: Corporate Social Responsibility, an interpretative practice. Rediscovering CSR through the hermeneutic philosophy of Gianni Vattimo.
Joop on a sustainable future: